Wednesday, March 18, 2015

A Postcard I Forgot To Share With You

Dear friends,

I wanted to show you this a long while ago but I got into the Blogtember team and... well... things fell out of place quickly and I always wanted to be up-to-date with the challenge so I left some things aside, so I am sharing them with you in the weekends or I will share them next month :) It will be like a  "Remembering" month :p

In August one of my friends that I made when I went in 2007 with Work & Travel in the USA went for a holiday in Prague. I wish one day I will visit that city too... I know it is really close and just a couple of hours away but I have not managed to see it yet... so I asked lovely Monica to send me a postcard for my fiancees collection and a kiss for me. I never actually thought she would send the kiss... but... she did! :p

As you can see above it was quite a nice one :) And this is one of the postcards I am really really really proud of :) It has an awesome view of Prague and a really adorable stamp and - most precious of all!!! - it has my dearest Monis kiss :) For me! From Prague! :) If I cannot manage to see her in person at least I can get a virtual kiss ;)))

Thank you again dearest sweetheart! :* Loads of hugs and kisses from me too :* Right back at ya! :*

Yours truly,
The Crazy Romanian Girl Living In Poland :)

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