Tuesday, March 17, 2015

I Love My Granny!

Happy Birthday Granny!!!

My Granny is has her birthday today :)
I wish I could be with her right now as I love her loads and if I could have her near me now I am sure that all would be just fine... She has a way of making things magically perfect!
Oh! And did I mention that I have the most awesome Granny in the world?! No need to feel jealous ;)
The worst thing about being an expat is not being next to your family - your mum/dad/sister(brother)/grandmother/grandfather... and whichever family member you may choose...
And even worse is when you know there is a birthday coming and you know you cannot be there - this year, as you know... I missed my sisters bday and now my grannys :( this year. Last year I was able to make it but right now... tell you the truth... I have no more vacation days left... I know! SAD! :(

But leaving that aside, this post is for my AWESOME Granny! :)
Lets face it! Everyone has his/her own favorite Granny :) The Granny whom you have grown up, the Granny that would help you with your homework, the Granny that would bake the most awesome dishes and the most amazing cookies (that you would just eat until you would burst out and you would look like a small balloon), the Granny that would fix your problems with a smile and that would tend to your childish wounds with a kiss (and that kiss would make your world better)...
Well THAT is how my Granny is! She is my Angel and I love her!

Even though I am not next to her today I still love her and miss her (yes, I did call her first thing in the morning to tell her that!) and I wish I would be next to her!
Happy Bday Buni!

Buni, te iubesc mult mult mult... pana la luna si inapoi :*

Your ever-loving grandchild :*
The LadyBug

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